Who else is planning on attending?

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Full NameAlumni Form Year (YYYY)Receptions Selected
Demilade Adeboye2015New York City Young Alumni Reception
Mayomikun Adeboye2018Boston Young Alumni Reception
Kobby Adu-Diawuo2013New York City Young Alumni Reception
Annika Andersson2016New York City Young Alumni Reception
Christine Antoine2016New York City Young Alumni Reception
Roberto Avila2009New York City Young Alumni Reception
Jeffrey Bai2014New York City Young Alumni Reception
Chapin Bassi2017Boston Young Alumni Reception
Amber Bates2015New York City Young Alumni Reception
Gabrielle Bates2012New York City Young Alumni Reception
Jack Becker2017Boston Young Alumni Reception
Ran Bi2018Boston Young Alumni Reception
Serena Bingham2017New York City Young Alumni Reception
Caroline Bonnett2019Boston Young Alumni Reception
Ben Boston2016New York City Young Alumni Reception
Richard Bradley2013New York City Young Alumni Reception
Emily Bresnahan2013New York City Young Alumni Reception
Regina Brown2014Boston Young Alumni Reception
Luc Bryant2018New York City Young Alumni Reception
Annie Gray Burge2015New York City Young Alumni Reception