First NameLast NameSummer Receptions:
J.P.BretlMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, reception hosted by Julia and David Fleischner '91, P'20,'23, trustee
JenniferBretlMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, reception hosted by Julia and David Fleischner '91, P'20,'23, trustee
ArianeBretlMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, reception hosted by Julia and David Fleischner '91, P'20,'23, trustee
JackBretlMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, reception hosted by Julia and David Fleischner '91, P'20,'23, trustee
ThomasBrewNew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York
ThomasBrewNew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York
YanitzaBRIGNONINew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York, Fishers Island, New York, reception hosted by Beth and Mark Andrews '68
BlytheBrockSagaponack, New York, reception hosted by Radha Mikkilineni P'26 with Kathryn Tucker P'25
JohnBrodieFishers Island, New York, reception hosted by Beth and Mark Andrews '68
HonorBrodieFishers Island, New York, reception hosted by Beth and Mark Andrews '68