First NameLast NameSummer Receptions:
Bill and Susan HoehnHoehnSun Valley, Idaho, reception hosted by Anne and Jim Crumpacker P'94,'98
ErikHoetsNew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York
AlisonHorne-RonaNew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York
NatHoweFishers Island, New York, reception hosted by Beth and Mark Andrews '68
KennyHoweFishers Island, New York, reception hosted by Beth and Mark Andrews '68
KristineHsuProuts Neck, Maine, reception hosted by Lisa and David Scully '79 P'21, SPS board president
AndyHsuProuts Neck, Maine, reception hosted by Lisa and David Scully '79 P'21, SPS board president
JuniperHsuProuts Neck, Maine, reception hosted by Lisa and David Scully '79 P'21, SPS board president
KarlaHsuProuts Neck, Maine, reception hosted by Lisa and David Scully '79 P'21, SPS board president
LisaHughesNew York City, reception at the Yale Club of New York